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Star the border collie 1

About "Star" II, The Border Collie

"Star" II is the official border collie of The Snake Hunter however if often stolen by Aishah for the day to spend time at the Reptile Hub. Star has the unique ability to track and locate snakes which she does as her job in summer.

Star The Border Collie



Born in 2017, Star II is now 6 years old. She came to the Pelley family initially as a pet and Mark quicky realised her potential. Star II now has the following jobs:


1. Star II knows how to track and find snakes when Mark works as a snake catcher. She has a unique "speak" when she sees them and loves her job finding snakes. Star's II nose is usually very reliable however is distracted by chickens and cats.

2. Star II keeps people away from snakes by nipping at their legs if she finds a snake and the public is too close.

3. At reptile shows, Star II guards all the animals and makes sure they stay where they are suppose to. She also keeps dogs away from the reptiles.

4. Star II is an amazing therapy dog when someone has a panic attack around snakes. She will go up to the person and cuddle them to help the patient feel better. She is in training to be an assistance dog too so she can visit elderly people at aged care facilities to brighten up their day.

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Star II has a true border collie nature in many ways, but is also super funny too. She adores cats but is much too enthusiastic so cats generally don't like her. Star II also forgets everything she is ever taught around chickens and her 'herding' instinct kicks in and she focuses on herding chickens instead of looking for snakes.


Apart from that, Star II has a very gentle nature around children and loves people. Often when she finishes searching for a snake, Star II will find a ball and take it to the home owner to say she is done working, now it's time for play. It is important to note that Star II is a working dog and remains as such. She doesn't like other dogs getting in the way when she is working and will often tell off other dogs if they're in her face (never biting).


Star II is very good at making people feel loved and adored and loves attention too. Her favourite activities are to go for a bike ride, walk and play ball. Star II tolerates Chilli the chihuahua who is currently modelling herself to be super cool just like her big sister.



Star knows many tricks including:

  • Speak

  • Say "woof"

  • Sit, drop, stay

  • Roll over (many times)

  • Spin around

  • Shake Hands

  • Agility training

  • "Find the snakes"

  • Guard the crocodiles

  • perfect heel off lead.

  • Perfect recall.

  • Pushing a pram


Star II is always learning new things but her primary focus and goal is training to be better and better searching for snakes. No dog nose is perfect but she's getting better each day. 

Star The border collie 2

Star's II Goals

Star the border collie

To earn as much treats as possible from finding lots of snakes

Star the Border collie with chilli

To Play ball whenever possible after searching for snakes

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To eventually be friends with a cat

Aborigine Bark Painting


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2/3 Inglis Street

Diamond Creek VIC 3089


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