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snake safety training

Snake Safety Training

At the Snake Bite Program, we team up with The Snake Hunter (Mark Pelley) to provide snake safety and awareness training for workplaces across Australia.

snake safety education
snake safety in the workplace



Today, Occupational health and safety is the most important aspect of any work place. No job is worth your staff or other's life or health. That is why across Australia, we have extremely strict OHS legislation and policies in the workplace to prevent injuries or death. Everyone has the right to come home safely from work.


If you have a snake in the workplace. Today, its not 'enough' to simply call out a snake catcher and to leave it at that. The workplace is responsible for talking about risks to workers, and taking PROACTIVE steps to ensuring staff safety in the workplace. Almost all workplaces that have staff that work outdoors are at risk of encountering snakes in Australia.


Take steps to show your staff that you care about their safety around snakes.

snake safety training


Our snake safety courses are conducted in teamwork with THE SNAKE HUNTER. We tailor safety training to your specific workplace and it includes (but is not exclusive to):


  • Learning about snakes of Australia endemic to your area (yes we bring these for you to see - but not touch)

  • Understand snake behaviour and habits to better understand snakes

  • Snake Bite Prevention

  • What to do if bitten - Snake Bite First aid

  • Understand why snakes bite

  • Understand snake venom and its effects

  • Snake Myths Busted inc. Q&A time

  • A chance to hold NON venomous snakes to reduce fear and apprehension

  • Developing OHS policies for your workplace

  • Snake Safe Workplace Practices

  • Business and company audit reports about snakes and snake safety.



Regardless of what workplace you have, The Snake Bite Program can work with your environment and Work Safety staff to help write develop or check on OHS documentation and policies pertaining to snakes.


If an incident were to occur, WorkSafe will look into your documentation, policies and communication towards staff and ask:

  • What steps you took to prevent workplace incidents of snake bites or encounters

  • What communication, policies and training was implemented once the risk was identified

  • What proactive steps you took.


Don't be caught off guard. Be prepared and get in touch with THE SNAKE BITE PROGRAM today to book in your OHS policy consultation.

snake safety ohs policy
snake safety audits



At the Snake Bite Program, we can undertake audits of the specific worksite or policy documentation to ensure staff safety. If you have an upcoming project where you know or suspect staff may encounter snakes, we can attend the premises first and highlight all the risks pertaining to snakes in advance.


Alternatively, if you have seen snakes on site and are concerned the risks to staff moving forward, get in touch. It is not uncommon for staff to refuse to work where they feel the risk for snakes and they have every right to be concerned about their safety. As such, THE SNAKE BITE PROGRAM audits are available 24/7 if required.


Book in a snake safety audit of your business, workplace or job site today to ensure staff safety from snakes.

Snake Safety Goals

snake safety training

To ensure workplace safety in ALL workplaces that have to encounter snakes

OHS snake safety policy

To develop outstanding OHS policies, communication and documentation to facilitate a safe environment

Snake safety

For all workers to come home safely from the workplace and reduce risks of snakes

Aborigine Bark Painting


We would love to hear from you. Get in touch today!

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2/3 Inglis Street

Diamond Creek VIC 3089


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© 2023 The Snake Bite Program - An Indigenous Incorporation

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