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Snake Safety and Training

We provide the following training • Snake Safety And Awareness
• Snake Bite First Aid Training
• Courses on reptile husbandry and keeping,
• OHS & Working near snakes
& More

The Snake Bite Program is currently working towards creating a registered training organization that focuses specifically on the following registered and recognized courses. These courses are the first of their kind in the world by a recognized training provider:
• Snake Safety And Awareness
• Snake Bite First Aid Training
• Courses on reptile husbandry and keeping,
• OHS & Working near snakes
• & More.
This can be for councils workers, businesses, mining operations, the general public, government and even individuals to learn about how to be safe and understand snakes. The courses in very small groups can be conducted on site or through hiring larger venues.

Aborigine Bark Painting


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2/3 Inglis Street

Diamond Creek VIC 3089


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© 2023 The Snake Bite Program - An Indigenous Incorporation

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