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Aeve Pelley

About Aeve

Aeve is the 2nd youngest sister of Aishah. She is home schooled and loves to learn about business, life, negotiating and is passionate about animals and dog training.

Aeve Pelley - Reptile Shows



Aeve is 15 years old and a proud member of the gunaikurnai indigenous people of South Eastern Victoria. She is currently home schooled. Her goal in life is to gain as much practical experience as possible and learns from both her father and older sisters about life, business skills, financial management, cryptocurrencies, history and geography, geopolitics, animals, dog behaviour and training, IT, self defence and science.


Aeve is currently in the Army cadet program with the goal to work in the Australian defence force in future. She love attending cadet camp where she learns all different type of survival, defence, logistics and more.


Aeve is a very kind and compassionate young lady towards animals. She loves working with different reptiles and her favourite animals to work with are frogs and crocodiles.

Aeve Pelley - Reptile Shows


Aeve is still learning a lot about business, animal behaviour and management, finance, negotiation and more. She is shadowing her sister Aishah as well as The Snake Hunter to learn all about snakes, venom development, science, and how to run a company in Australia.


Aeve is gaining invaluable work experience and real life lessons while she continues her home education. Aeve is currently assisting with maintenance of the non venous animals, rat breeding program, cleaning, food preparation for animals, feeding non venomous creatures and basic IT support. Aeve is working towards improving her customer service and public speaking skills as well.


Aeve is working towards fundamentals in science and laboratory skills as well as conducting her own research into how gardens can affect snake behaviour. Despite her young Age, Aeve is growing to be an integral part of the team.



Aeve is studying hard to learn about the World Health Organisation objectives as well as how snakes are understood in her culture. She aims to become an expert at dealing with snakes, reptiles, teaching others and more. Aeve is an avid believer in caring for all animals no matter how dangerous or 'scary' they may be to others. She wants to share her love of native Australian animals with the world.


"All animals are interesting and have a role to play in nature. Native Australian animals are my favourite and I want to each people how these are important to both our country's ecology and my culture."

- Aeve Pelley

Aeve Pelley Reptile Shows

Aeve's Goals

Aeve Pelley

To Learn the scientific methods of snake venom genotyping

Aeve Pelley - Reptile Shows

To better understand all animal behaviour & language

Aeve Pelley and reptile family

To teach people about snakes in Indigenous Culture

Aborigine Bark Painting


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2/3 Inglis Street

Diamond Creek VIC 3089


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